Spain Less Traveled COVID-19 Info

Updated March 2023

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Keeping both you and Spain safe

There is no doubt that COVID-19 has deeply impacted everyone worldwide. With restrictions still in existence in Spain and much of Europe, the international travel industry has been brought to a near standstill.

As of 7 June 2021, travelers from (just about) all over the world have been welcome to enter Spain. But there are regulations and many variables.

Spain Less Traveled is committed to keeping travelers, and just as importantly, Spain and the people who live there, as safe as possible. Responsible and sustainable travel are some of our major core values.

Travel has changed very much. Constantly changing restrictions, specific details about entry into Spain, and other travel requirements necessitate the use of travel advisors, travel agents, and destination specialists who are destination specialists advising you and advocating on your behalf. We are here to help with the ins and outs. Take a look at our professional Spain travel services to get started today.


A few Spain travel tips if you are planning a trip

If you are planning a trip to Spain in the future, you probably have a lot of questions as to what things might look like and how to best plan a Spain travel itinerary around it.

These measures, protocols, and procedures can change at any time. Furthermore, there is no “one size fits all” answer to these regulations and protocols. They are based on several variables.

Spain Less Traveled is a travel service and is not affiliated with the Spanish government and can not be held responsible for how your trip might be impacted by what you read on our website. Each situation is unique and this is meant to serve as an advisory. (We are committed to working personally with our clients to ensure they are in the know of the latest restrictions and are prepared to travel to and within Spain. See below for ways that we can work with you.)

A few things travelers entering Spain will need to know:

  • Spain has been open to travelers from most countries as of 7 June 2021.

  • As of 21 October 2022, there are no longer Covid-related travel restrictions to enter Spain.

  • As new variants are discovered, it is possible that Spain may impose restrictions or even close, with or without announcement, to citizens of various countries.

  • Therefore, we recommend registering to get vaccinated against COVID-19 (and any required boosters, if needed) if you will be planning a trip to Spain within the next few years.

  • Masks are no longer required in most spaces including public transportation. However, they are still required to be worn in pharmacies, hospitals, healthcare centers, and care homes. Therefore we still recommend carrying a mask at all times in case you encounter a situation where it is required to use it.

  • Rules and regulations often vary across Spain, region by region, and can change based on COVID numbers. These can also vary region by region. It is the responsibility of the traveler to understand and strictly adhere to all of these. This is for everyone’s safety, especially for the local communities travelers are visiting.

  • Starting on 12 June 2022, travelers returning to the United States will no longer need to present a negative Covid test to fly. This policy will be reexamined every three months, so it is important to check this requirement closer to your date of travel. If you are flying from Spain to another country, you will need to check their entry requirements including if a test is required.

  • Travelers to Spain will need to be flexible and understand that places can close and adjust their hours without much notice. Everyone is working to get back on their feet but places might be understaffed, or might not offer a full range of services, or might have not re-opened yet.


Our commitment to our clients

We want to make sure that our clients are always aware of local measures and protocols.

Learn more about our commitment to helping our clients navigate this new era of travel.

Spain Less Traveled clients who use our Spain travel itinerary service will be given accurate and up-to-date information about local rules and regulations before travel.

Should I travel or not?

As long as Spain remains open for international travel & tourism it’s up to each individual traveler, group, and family to determine if they should cancel or postpone their trip. Everyone will need to assess the risk based on health and personal situations. Travel is never without risk or stress-free, and this is, even more, the case during the global pandemic. If you make the personal decision that you still wish to travel, plan it with hope and flexibility understanding that both domestic and international rules/regulations can change at any time. Including just before the trip and during the trip.